

Belts > A-1G Lumbo Sacral Corset With Pad

A-1G Lumbo Sacral Corset With Pad

Product Code  : A-1G

Stock Status : In Stock

In addition to the classic Lumbrosacral corset, there is a pad that gives extra support to the spine. The pad is covered with an easily washable cover, and can be attached to the velcro at the inner surface of the corset so that its height can be adjusted to any desired height. The fine anatomic pattern of the corset completely covers the body and so it does not allow the corset to slip upwards. The corsets design, maintains the minimum disturbance and the maximum stability during motion of the patient. The lumbrosacral corset has 7 different sizes to fit all body sizes desinged seperately for men and women. Lengths of steels are 28 cm at women model and 32 cm at men model.

Indication: Used in Lumbrosacral traumas, Lomber disc hernias, Lomber spondilose, Spondilolisthesis and after operation.