- Airy Products
- Anatomic Pillows
- - P-1 Anatomic Neck Pillow Large
- - P-10 Visco Large Neck Pillow
- - P-11 Visco Travel Pillow
- - P-13 Visco Waist Pillow
- - P-14 Visco Reflu Pillow
- - P-2 Anatomic Neck Pillow Small
- - P-20 Visco Single Bed 90X200X7 CM.
- - P-21 Visco Double Bed 160X220X4 CM.
- - P-22 Visco Settle Pillow
- - P-3 Anatomic Neck Pillow For Child
- - P-4 Waist Pillow Large
- - P-5 Waist Pillow Small
- - P-6 Settle Pillow
- - P-7 Travel Pillow
- - P-8 Waist Pillow With Weight
- - P-9 Visco Small Neck Pillow
- - P-25 Visco Position pillow
- - P-6A Wheelchair Cushion
- Ankle Orthotics and Bandages
- - B-10 Warmer Elastik Ankle Support
- - N-16 Athlete Ankle Support
- - N-16B Black Spotive Ankle Support
- - N-53T Achilles Boot
- - N-53W Ankle Support With Adjustable Angle (Room Walker)
- - O-10 Ankle Cross Bandage
- - R-5 Knitted Ankle Support With Silicone
- - V-5B Ankle Support With Shoelace
- - V-5C Elastic Ankle Support With Lateral Increase
- - V-5D Elastic Ankle Support With Lateral Increase + 8 Bandage
- - DD 005 Air Paddedd Ankle Support
- - V-5E Elbow Orthosis
- Foot Health Products
- - D-10 Perenaus Paralysis Orthosis
- - D-4A Arc Support Clinging
- - D-5 Wedge Heel
- - D-6 Inside - Outside Support Clinging
- - D-7 Torque-Heel
- - D-8 Polyethilen Ankle Foot Orthesis (PAFO)
- - D-8B Reflex AFO
- - D-8C Polyethilen Moldet With Joint
- - D-8D Vitratene Mold Over Knee - Pkafo
- - D-8E Ankle Dorsiflexion Orthosis
- - D-9 Molded Leg Support
- - F-1 Aluminum Sole
- - F-2A Plastic Sole Covered With Leather
- - F-3 Aluminum Sole With Epin
- - F-4 Plexi Sole
- - F-5 Cork Sole
- - F-5A Varus Sole
- - F-6 Cork Sole With Plastazot Covered
- - F-7 Steel Sole
- - G-2 Hallux Walgus Aparatus
- - G-2A Hallux Walgus Reel
- - G-2B Bunion Cushion
- - G-2C Hallux Walgus Light Aparatus
- - G-2D Hallux Walgus Elastic Aparatus
- - G-3 Metatarsal Pad
- - G-3A Metatarsal Ped For Finger
- - G-4 Heel For Plaster Cast
- - G-5 Heel For Plaster Cast Couple
- - I-1 Epin Calcanei Support
- - I-1A Epin Calcanei Support Economic
- - I-1B Heel Support
- - I-1C Polyurethane Epin Calcanei Support
- - N-12 Posey Footguard (90º Bed Orthosis)
- - N-13 Slipper For Plaster Bandage
- - N-14 Boot For Plaster Bandage
- - O-29 Stockings For Plaster Bandages
- - O-30 Stockings For Plaster Bandages
- - O-31 Stockings For Plaster Bandages
- - O-32 Stockings For Plaster Bandages
- -
- Lanyards - Pillows
- - C-1 Neck Support
- - C-10 Neck Support Model Nelson
- - C-10B Neck Support Model Nelson With Thermojel
- - C-10C Neck Support Nelson Model Soft
- - C-10E Economic Neck Support Model Nelson
- - C-10F Emergency Neck Support
- - C-10G Neck Support Nelson Model Eva
- - C-10R Neck Support Plastizote Rigid Model
- - C-11 Neck Support Model Philadelphia
- - C-11C Neck Sup. Mod. Pkiladelpia, Tracheotomy Mr Harmonious
- - C-11E Economic Neck Support Model Philadelphia
- - C-12 Cervical Color Somi Orthosis
- - C-13 Neck Support Model Nelson With Chin Holder
- - C-14 Neck Support Model Nelson With Support
- - C-15 Extension Neck Support, Adjustable
- - C-16 Flexion Neck Support, Adjudtable
- - C-17 Traction Neck Support, Adjustable
- - C-18 Wireframe Neck Support
- - C-3 Neck Support With Chin Holder
- - C-3A Economic Neck Support With Chin Holder
- - C-4 Neck Support For Children
- - C-4A Neck Support With Chin Holder For Children
- - C-5 Padded Neck Support
- - C-5A Padded Neck Support (German Style)
- - C-6 Cervical Spin Traction Aparatus
- - C-7 Extra Head Holder For Cervical Spine Traction Aparatus
- - C-8 Cervical Roll Pillow
- - T-1 Thorax Traction Belt
- - T-2 Pelvic Traction Belt One-Way
- - T-4 Traction Kit For Children
- - T-5 Traction Kit For Adults
- - C-11B Philadelphia Color MR Uyumlu
- - C-9 Cervical U Pillow
- - C-5E Cervical Sponge Economic
- - C-5B Cervical Sponge with Cover
- Walking Stick and Supplies
- - G-7A Tripod Canadian Balanced Crook
- - G-8 Quadripod Balanced Crook
- - H-1 Wooden Crutch
- - H-11 Mobile Closet
- - H-12 Mobile Closet With Wheel
- - H-13 Mobile Closet Foldable
- - H-14 Plastic Mobile Closet
- - H-15 Plastic Mobile Closet With Lid
- - H-2 Aaluminium Crutch
- - H-2A Aluminium Crutch Economic
- - H-2B Neopren Cover For Crutch
- - H-2C Aluminium Crutch With Clips
- - H-4 Rubber Crutch Tire
- - H-4A PVC Crutch Tire
- - H-5 Crook, Long
- - H-6 Canadian Upper Arm Crutch
- - H-6A Canadian Upper Arm Crutch Economic
- - H-6B Neopren Cover For Canadian
- - H-7 Walker, Immobile
- - H-8 Walker, Mobile
- - H-9A Walker, Spun
- - HA-8 Aluminium Walker, Mobile
- - H-8B Adjustable Walker With Forearm Support
- - H-18 Bed Back Support
- Knee and Knee Orthosis
- - B-5 Warmer Elastic Knee-Orthesis
- - B-7 Warmer ElasticThigh Orthosis
- - N-3 Knee Immobilizer
- - N-3A Knee Immobilizer Three Pieces
- - N-58 Knee Immobilizer For Arthroscopy
- - N-58A Knee - Orthosis With Adjustable Angle Long
- - N-6 Hip Immobilizer
- - N-6B Hip Immobilizer With Balens
- - N-6C Hip Immobilizer With Adjustable Angle
- - R-1 Knitting Knee Orthosis With Lateral Splint AND SILICONE Support
- - R-2 Knitting Knee Orthosis With Lateral Splint, Silicone Support And Velcro Band
- - R-3 Thick Knitted Knee Orthosis With Baleen And Silicone
- - R-4 Thick Knitted Knee Orthosis With Baleen Silicone And Velcro
- - V-4A Knee Orthosis Anatomic
- - X-22 Knee-Orthosis Blue-White
- - X-23 Knee Orthosis With Splint And Open Patella, Blue-White
- - X-24 Knee Orthosis With Gap At Knee Joint Level, Blue-White
- - X-25 Knee Orthosis With Open Patella
- - X-45 Knee Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - N-58C 4 POINT SUPPORTED Knee Orthosis for the stabilization of knee joint
- Wrist Orthosis and Splint
- - B-11 Warmer Elastic Wrist Support
- - M-7 Elastic Wrist Orthosis
- - N-11 Wrist/Thumb Support
- - O-1 Elastic Bandage 6 CM
- - O-11 Wrist Orthosis
- - O-11B Wrist Thumb Orthosis
- - O-11C Wrist Orthosis With Bandage
- - O-11R Rijid Wrist Orthosis
- - O-12 Forearm Orthosis
- - O-13 Dynamic Apparatus
- - O-14 Static Apparatus
- - O-2 Elastic Bandage 8 CM
- - O-21 Aluminium Apparatus For Finger
- - O-22 Aluminium Apparatus For Finger T
- - O-23 Aluminium Apparatus For Finger With Wrist Support
- - O-24 Finger Orthosis
- - O-3 Elastic Bandage 10 CM
- - O-4 Elastic Bandage 12 CM
- - O-41 Apparatus For Finger
- - O-5 Elastic Bandage 15 CM
- - O-50 Dynamic Apparatus For Finger
- - O-5A 20 CM Elastic Bandage
- - O-6 Wrist Support
- - X-5 Thumb Othosis
- - O-11A Wrist Orthosis
- Aesthetics (beauty) Corsets
- General Use
- Walking stick and Appliances
- - G-7 Tripod Balanced Crook
- - G-8 Quadripod Balanced Crook
- - H-1 Wooden Crutch
- - H-10 Walker WIith Wheel
- - H-11 Mobile Closet
- - H-12 Mobile Closet With Wheel
- - H-14 Plastic Mobile Closet
- - H-15 Plastic Mobile Closet With Lid
- - H-2 Aluminium Crutch
- - H-2B Neopren Cover For Crutch
- - H-6 Canadian Upper Arm Crutch
- - H-6B Neopren Cover For Canadian
- - H-7 Walker, Immobile
- - H-8 Walker, Mobile
- - G-7A Tripod Canadian Balanced Crook
- First Aid Care Products
- - ALP 01 Neck Support Set (4 Pieces)
- - ALP 01 Neck Support Set (4 Pieces)
- - ALP 02 Ced Extrication Device
- - ALP-03 Long Wooden Spine Boards
- - ALP 04 Short Wooden Spine Boards
- - ALP-05 Spine Boards With Rail
- - ALP 06 Oil - Cloth Transport Shift
- - ALP-07 Air Splint Set (6 Pieces)
- - ALP 08 Autopsy Apron
- - EX-01 Corpse Sack
- - XX 580 Patient Transport Splint Set
- Chemotherapy Products
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - S-9 Silibone Breast Forms
- Neoprene Products
- - N-15 Face Mask Fabric
- - N-31 Knee Support
- - N-33 Knee Orthosis With Patella Support
- - N-34 Knee Orthosis With Patella And Ligament Support
- - N-35 Knee Orthosis With Hinge
- - N-35A Knee Orthosis With Hinge Open Frontside
- - N-37 Knee - Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - N-38 Thigh Orthosis
- - N-39 Fibula Orthosis
- - N-40 Wrist Support
- - N-41 Metacarpus Wrist Support
- - N-42 Thumb Orthosis
- - N-43A Wrist Orthosis Anatomic
- - N-43B Wrist Orthosis With Bandage
- - N-43C Wrist Orthosis Model Germany
- - N-43D Forearm Orthosis
- - N-44 Wrist/Thumb Orthosis
- - N-44A Wrist/Thumb Orthosis Long
- - N-45 Epycondilit Bandage
- - N-47 Tennis Elbow Support
- - N-48 Elbow Support In Case Of Epycındylitis
- - N-48A Elbow Support With Hinge
- - N-49 Ankle Cross Bandage
- - N-50 Ankle Support
- - N-51 Ankle Support With Velcro
- - N-52 Ankle Metatarsus Support
- - N-53 Ankle Support With Silicon
- - N-53A Ankle Stabilizer With Plastic Splints
- - N-54 Shoulder Bandage
- - N-57 Stable Knee Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - N-59 Swimming Mask
- - N-60 Eye Mask (Sleeping Mask)
- - N-61 Neoprene Neck Support
- - N-62 Face Mask
- - N-63 Patellar Tendon Brace
- - N-64 Thermal Pants
- - N-64A Thermal Vest
- - N-65 Police Mask
- - N-66 Neopren Balıkçı Ceketi
- - N-67 Neopren Balıkadam Elbisesi
- - N-68 Surgical Ear Bandage
- - Silicone Products
- Deputy Health Supplies
- - K-30 Kinesiology Band
- - N-23 Alperen Lumbo Sacral Orthosis (LSO)
- - N-26 Sternum Corset
- - N-31 Knee Support
- - N-34 Knee Orthosis With Patella And Ligament Support
- - N-35 Knee Orthosis With Hinge
- - N-55 Lead Weights 1.5 KG
- - N-56 Lead Weights 2.5 KG
- - N-56R Lead Weights 5KG
- - Y-10 Incontinence Slip
- - Y-11 Incontinence Slip With Velcro
- - Y-12 Water - Proof Sheet For Patients
- - Y-13 Colostomy Apparatus
- - Y-15 Training Ball With Case For Paralytic Patients
- - Y-16 Training Ring For Paraytic Patients
- - Y-18 Penis Clamp
- - Y-22 Water - Proof Bib For Patients
- - Y-23 Training Ball For With Case For Paralytic Patients
- - Y-25 Weights With Velcro
- - Y-29 Corset For Cellulite
- - Y-31 Execise Ball 3 KG
- - Y-32 Sleeping Band
- - Y-33 Weigths With Iron Ball
- - Y-34 Surgical Eye Bandage
- - Y-35 Rubber Air Ring
- - Y-36 Rubber Hot Pack
- - Y-37 Sphygmomanometer Bandage
- - Y-60 Sitz Bath
- - Mattress Protectors
- - Walking Devices
- Walking stick and Appliances
- First Aid Care Products
- - ALP 02 Ced Extrication Device
- - ALP-03 Long Wooden Spine Boards
- - ALP 04 Short Wooden Spine Boards
- - ALP-05 Spine Boards With Rail
- - ALP 08 Autopsy Apron
- - EX-01 Corpse Sack
- - O-47B Ready Aluminium Splint Small
- - XX 580 Patient Transport Splint Set
- - Y-51 Triangular Bandage
- - O-47 Ready Aluminium Splint Big
- - ALP-07 Air Splint Set (6 Pieces)
- Splints and Collars Hip Dislocation
- Fixing Arm Orthotics And Bandages
- - V-5E Elbow Orthosis
- - B-6 Warmer Elastic Elbow Orthosis
- - K-12 Airy Arm Sling
- - K-13 Airy Welpo Arm Sling
- - N-1 Shoulder Orthosis
- - N-48B Elbow Rom Orthosis (Elbow Contracture Orthosis)
- - O-16 / O-16W Arm Sling
- - O-16A Arm Sling Economic
- - O-16W Arm Sling
- - O-17 Arm Sling With Chest Belt
- - O-17A Arm Sling With Chest Belt Economic
- - O-25 Clavicle Bandage
- - O-25W Clavicle Bandage With Welcro
- - O-26 Clavicle Bandage Economic
- - O-28 Shoulder Support Bandage
- - O-33 Sponge Arm Sling
- - O-34 Sponge Arm Sling With Chest Belt
- - O-35 Shoulder Bandage With Welcro
- - O-36 Arm Sling With Sponge
- - O-37 Clavicle Bandage (Soft)
- - O-38 Practicle Clavicle Bandage
- - O-39 Practical Arm Sling
- - O-40 Akromia Clavicle Bandage
- - O-42 Arm Sling With Pillow 30°
- - O-43 Arm Sling With Pillow 45° - 60°
- - O-44 Arm Sling Air Permeable
- - O-47 Ready Aluminium Splint Big
- - O-49 Aluminium Frame Apparatus For Rib Fracture
- - O-51 Denim Arm Sling
- - O-53 Arm Elrvation Orthosis
- - O-7 Tennis Elbow Support
- - R-6 Knitted Elbow Support With Silicone
- - W-3 Humerus Apparatus
- - W-3A Polietilen Humerus Ateli
- - X-32 Arm Sling Blue-White
- - X-32A BW. Economic Arm Sling
- - X-33 Arm Sling With Chest Belt Blue-White
- - X-33A BW. Economic Arm Sling With Chest Belt Blue-White
- Belts
- - A-1 Lumbo Sacral Corset
- - A-10 Hygienic Scandal Corset
- - A-12 Back Corset 2 Pieces
- - A-12A Posturex Back Corset
- - A-13 Batin Corset
- - A-1A Lumbostat Corset
- - A-1B Universal Lumbo Sacral Corset With Pad
- - A-1C Universal Lumbo Sacral Korse Without Pad
- - A-1G Lumbo Sacral Corset With Pad
- - A-1L Lumbo Sacral Corset With Adjustable Velcro
- - A-1W Lumbo Sacral Corset With Velcro
- - A-2 Dorso Lumbar Corset
- - A-2W Dorso Lumbar Corset With Velcro
- - A-3 Stomach And Organ Prolapse Corset
- - A-4 Abdomen Corset Surgical
- - A-4A Abdomen Corset Scandal
- - A-4B Abdomen Corset With Underpants
- - A-4C Abdomen Corset With Loins
- - A-5 Kidney And Stomach Prolapse Corset
- - A-6 Pregnancy Corset End Of Birth
- - A-7 Pregnancy Corset Post Birth
- - A-8 Hygienic Corset With Loins
- - A-9 Hygienic Corset With Underpants
- - B-1 Woolen Elastic Corset
- - B-12 Warmer Belt With Velcro
- - B-2 Warmer Elastic Curved Belt 32 CM.
- - B-3 Warmer Elastic Corset With Loins
- - B-4 Warmer Elastic Cot Fracture Corset
- - B-8 Warmer Elastic Shoulder Cover And Chest Cover
- - D-2A Suspensory
- - E-2 Underpants Type Hernia Corset
- - E-3 Hernia Corset With Pack
- - E-4 Groin Hernia Corset Left Or Right
- - E-5 Groin Hernia Corset Both Sides
- - E-7 Umbilical Wrap With Velcro For Child
- - E-7A Groin Hernia Bandage For Child
- - E-8 Umbilical Wrap With Velcro For Adult
- - M-1 Elastic Dorso Lumbar Corset
- - MB-10 Burden Corset ( Work Corset)
- - M-1A Elastic Lumbosacral Corset With Pull Band
- - M-2 Elastic Lumbo Sacral Corset
- - M-2A Elastic Lumbo Sacral Corset With Pull Band
- - M-3 Elastic Lumbostat Corset
- - M-4 Elastic Abdominal Corset
- - M-5 Elastic Chest Corset
- - M-6 Elastic Posturex
- - MB-4 Elastic Abdominal Corset White
- - N-10 Sacrum Belt
- - N-17 Stoma Corset
- - N-2 Lumbosacral Corset With Pull Band
- - N-23 Alperen Lumbo Sacral Orthosis (LSO)
- - N-26 Sternum Corset
- - N-26A Urostomy Corset
- - N-27 Abdominal Wrap (With Support)
- - N-28 Jewet Hyperextantion Corset
- - N-28A Taylor Corset
- - N-28B Vitraten Jacket (TLSO)
- - N-4 Lumbosacral Orthosis (LSO)
- - N-4A Lumbosacral Orthosis Economic
- - N-5 Thoracalumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO)
- - N-5A Thoracal Lumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO LONG)
- - N-5B Torakolumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO LUX)
- - N-7 Pregnancy Corset Post Birth
- - N-8 Pregnancy Belt Waist Sopported
- - N-9 Chest Corset For Men
- - N-9A Chest Corset For Women
- - W-1 Liposuction Corset
- - X-17 BW. Adomen Corset (BELT)
- Neoprene Products
- - N-15 Face Mask Fabric
- - N-29 Universal Corset
- - N-30 Universal Corset With Pad
- - N-30A Neopren Universal Corset German Model
- - N-31 Knee Support
- - N-31W Knee Support With Velcro
- - N-32 Knee Orthosis With Open Patella
- - N-32W Knee Orthosis With Open Patella With Welcro
- - N-33 Knee Orthosis With Patella Support
- - N-33W Knee Orthosis With Patella Support And Velcros
- - N-34 Knee Orthosis With Patella And Ligament Support
- - N-34W Knee Orthosis With Patella - Ligament Support And Velcros
- - N-35 Knee Orthosis With Hinge
- - N-35A Knee Orthosis With Hinge Open Frontside
- - N-36 Knee Orthosis With Hinge And Crossbandage
- - N-38 Thigh Orthosis
- - N-39 Fibula Orthosis
- - N-40 Wrist Support
- - N-41 Metacarpus Wrist Support
- - N-42 Thumb Orthosis
- - N-43A Wrist Orthosis Anatomic
- - N-43B Wrist Orthosis With Bandage
- - N-43C Wrist Orthosis Model Germany
- - N-43D Forearm Orthosis
- - N-44 Wrist/Thumb Orthosis
- - N-44A Wrist/Thumb Orthosis Long
- - N-45 Epycondilit Bandage
- - N-46 Elbow Support
- - N-47 Tennis Elbow Support
- - N-48 Elbow Support In Case Of Epycondylitis
- - N-48A Elbow Support With Hinge
- - N-49 Ankle Cross Bandage
- - N-50 Ankle Support
- - N-51 Ankle Support With Velcro
- - N-51A Ankle Support With Velcro Cross Bandage
- - N-52 Ankle Metatarsus Support
- - N-52A Ankle Metatarsus Support With Cross Bandage
- - N-53 Ankle Support With Silicon
- - N-53A Ankle Stabilizer With Plastic Splints
- - N-53B Neoprene Ankle Support With Shoelace
- - N-54 Shoulder Bandage
- - N-57 Stable Knee Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - N-59 Swimming Mask
- - N-60 Eye Mask (Sleeping Mask)
- - N-61 Neoprene Neck Support
- - N-62 Face Mask
- - N-63 Patellar Tendon Brace
- - N-63A Patellar Knee Orthosis
- - N-64A Thermal Vest
- - N-65 Police Mask
- - N-67 Neopren Balıkadam Elbisesi
- - N-68 Surgical Ear Bandage
- - N-70 Neoprene Arm Sling
- Orsa Kids
- - KA-1C Kids Universal Lumbo Sacral Corset
- - KC-10 Kids Neck Support Model Nelson
- - KC-11 Kids Neck Support Model Philadelphia
- - KC-11A Kids Neck Support Model Philadelphia Tracheotomy
- - KC-5 Kids Padded Neck Support
- - KD-8 Kids Polyethilen Ankle Foot Orthesis (PAFO)
- - KF-6 Kids Cork Sole With Plastazot Covered
- - KN-13 Kids Slipper For Plaster Bandage
- - KN-14 Kids Boot For Plaster Bandage
- - KN-3 Kids Knee Immobilizer
- - KN-34 Kids Knee Orthosis With Patella And Ligament Support
- - KO-11 Kids Wrist Orthosis
- - KO-16 Kids Arm Sling
- - KO-35 Kids Shoulder Bandage With Welcro
- Orthopedic Boots
- Silicon Foot Health Supplies
- - S-1 Silicone Insole
- - S-2 Silicone Insole 1/1
- - S-21 Silicone Toe Sepatator
- - S-22 Silicone Metetarsal Pad
- - S-23 Silicone Callus Band (Big)
- - S-27 Silicone Metatars Pad ( Foot Clinging)
- - S-28 Silicone Metetars Pad (Oval Clinging)
- - S-3 Silicone Insole With Blue Area
- - S-30 Silikon Metetars Pedi Delikli
- - S-31 Silicone Toe Sleeve With Vents (Digital Ring)
- - S-32 Silicone Bunion Pad
- - S-33 Silicone Finger Support
- - S-34 Silicone Sticky Arc Support
- - S-35 Sticky Silicone Metetars Supports
- - S-36 Sticky Silicone Inside - Outside Supports
- - S-37 Sticky Silicone Heel Support
- - S-38 Silicone Insole Covered By Fabric
- - S-39 Silicone Insole With Hole
- - S-3A Economic Silicone Insole
- - S-4 Silicone Epin Calcanien Support
- - S-5 Silicone Heel Cup With Blue Area
- - S-5A Economic Silicone Heel Cup
- - S-8 Silicone Hallux Walgus Reel
- - S-8A Silicone Bunion Protector
- Sports Products (One Size)
- - N-29S Abdominal Corset
- - N-30S Lumbo Sacral Corset
- - N-31S Neoprene Knee Support
- - N-33S Knee Orthosis With Patella Support
- - N-34S Knee Orthosis With Flexible Baleen
- - N-35S Knee Orthosis With Hinge
- - N-38S Thigh Orthosis
- - N-39S Fibula Orthosis
- - N-40S Wrist Support
- - N-41S Metacarpud Wrist Support
- - N-42S Thumb Orthosis
- - N-43 Wrist Orthosis
- - N-43S Wrist Orthosis
- - N-44S Wrist/Thumb Orthosis
- - N-45S Epicondylit Bandage
- - N-46S Elbow Support
- - N-48S Elbow Support In Case Of Epycondylitis
- - N-50S Ankle Support
- - N-54 Shoulder Bandage
- - N-54S Shoulder Bandage
- - N-63M Magnetik Patellar Tendon Brace
- - N-63S Patellar Tendon Brace
- - N-44ST Wrist/Thumb Orthosis Long
- Medical Stockings
- - V-10 Knee-Length (Unisex) Med. Sup.
- - V-11 Pantyhose Med. Sup. Maternity
- - V-12 Antiemboly Long Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-12A Antiemboly Stocking With Waist Band
- - V-13 280 Den Knee-Length Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-14 280 Den Thigh Medical Sup. Stocking
- - V-15 280 Den Pantyhose Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-16 280 Den Thigh Medical Sup. Stocking With Silicone
- - V-17 Class 3 Pantyhose Medical Sup. Stocking
- - V-18 Class 3 Thigh Medical Sup. Stocking
- - V-19 Class 3 Length Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-20 280 Den Front Open Pantyhose Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-21 Kol Varis Çorabı
- - V-6 Pantyhose Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-7 Thigh Medical Sup. Stocking
- - V-7A Thigh Medical Sup. Stocking With Silicone
- - V-8 Knee-Length Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-9 Light Pantyhose Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-12B Antiemboly Below Knee Stocking
- Body Support Products
- - Foot
- Ankle
- - B-10 Warmer Elastik Ankle Support
- - DD 005 Air Padded Ankle Support
- - N-16 Athlete Ankle Support
- - N-49 Ankle Cross Bandage
- - N-50 Ankle Support
- - N-51 Ankle Support With Velcro
- - N-51A Ankle Support With Velcro Cross Bandage
- - N-53 Ankle Support With Silicon
- - N-53A Ankle Stabilizer With Plastic Splints
- - N-56 Lead Weights 2.5 KG
- - O-10 Ankle Cross Bandage
- - V-5A Elastik Ankle Support
- - V-5B Ankle Support With Shoelace
- - V-5C Elastic Ankle Support With Lateral Increase
- - Toe
- - Leg
- - Calf
- - Head
- - Waist
- Neck
- - ALP 01 Neck Support Set (4 Pieces)
- - B-15 Neck Support With Thermojel
- - C-1 Neck Support
- - C-10 Neck Support Model Nelson
- - C-10E Economic Neck Support Model Nelson
- - C-11 Neck Support Model Philadelphia
- - C-11A Neck Support Model Philadelphia Tracheotomy
- - C-11B Neck Support Model Philadelphia MR Harmonious
- - C-11C Neck Sup. Mod. Philadelphia, Tracheotomy MR Harmonious
- - C-12 Cervical Color Somi Orthosis
- - C-13 Neck Support Model Nelson With Chin Holder
- - C-15 Extension Neck Support, Adjustable
- - C-16 Flexion Neck Support, Adjustable
- - C-17 Traction Neck Support, Adjustable
- - C-18 Wireframe Neck Support
- - C-3 Neck Support With Chin Holder
- - C-4 Neck Support For Children
- - C-4A Neck Support With Chin Holder For Children
- - C-5 Padded Neck Support
- - C-5A Padded Neck Support (German Style)
- - C-8 Cervical Roll Pillow
- - C-9 Cervical U Pillow
- - N-61 Neoprene Neck Support
- - P-1 Anatomic Neck Pillow Large
- - P-2 Anatomic Neck Pillow Small
- - P-3 Anatomic Neck Pillow For Child
- - P-7 Travel Pillow
- - Elbow
- Knee
- - B-14 Knee Orthosis With Thermojel
- - B-5 Warmer Elastic Knee - Orthesis
- - N-3 Knee Immobilizer
- - N-31 Knee Support
- - N-33 Knee Orthosis With Patella Support
- - N-34 Knee Orthosis With Patella And Ligament Support
- - N-35 Knee Orthosis With Hinge
- - N-35A Knee Orthosis With Hinge Open Frontside
- - N-37 Knee - Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - N-3A Knee Immobilizer Three Pieces
- - N-57 Stable Knee Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - N-58 Knee Immobilizer For Arthroscopy
- - N-58A Knee - Orthosis With Adjustable Angle Long
- - N-63 Patellar Tendon Brace
- - N-63A Patellar Knee Orthosis
- - V-4A Knee Orthosis Anatomic
- - X-22 Knee - Orthosis Blue - White
- - X-23 Knee Orthosis With Splint And Open Patella, Blue - White
- - X-24 Knee Orthosis With Gap At Knee Joint Level, Blue - White
- - X-25 Knee Orthosis With Open Patella
- - X-45 Knee Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - Hand
- - Wrist
- - Hand finger
- - Chest
- - Hip
- Arm
- - B-6 Warmer Elastic Elbow Orthosis
- - N-1 Shoulder Orthosis
- - O-16 / O-16W Arm Sling
- - O-16A Arm Sling Economic
- - O-17 Arm Sling With Chest Belt
- - O-17A Arm Sling With Chest Belt Economic
- - O-28 Shoulder Support Bandage
- - O-33 Sponge Arm Sling
- - O-34 Sponge Arm Sling With Chest Belt
- - O-35 Shoulder Bandage With Welcro
- - O-36 Arm Sling With Sponge
- - O-40 Akromia Clavicle Bandage
- - O-42 Arm Sling With Pillow 30°
- - O-7 Tennis Elbow Support
- - V-5E Elbow Orthosis
- - W-3 Humerus Apparatus
- - X-32 Arm Sling Blue-White
- - X-33 Arm Sling With Chest Belt Blue-White
- - Shoulder
- - Forearm
- - Chard
- Back
- - A-12 Back Corset 2 Pieces
- - A-12A Posturex Back Corset
- - ALP-03 Long Wooden Spine Boards
- - ALP 04 Short Wooden Spine Boards
- - ALP-05 Spine Boards With Rail
- - M-6 Elastic Posturex
- - N-24 Alperen-TLSO (Thoracal Lumbosacral Orthosis)
- - N-28 Jewet Hyperextantion Corset
- - O-25 Clavicle Bandage
- - O-26 Clavicle Bandage Economic
- - O-37 Clavicle Bandage (Soft)
- - Thigh
- - Face
- Deputy Health ( rehabilitation ) Material for
- - B-13 Corset With Thermojel
- - B-14 Knee Orthosis With Thermojel
- - B-15 Neck Support With Thermojel
- - B-16 Thermojel 25 X 12 CM
- - B-17 Thermojel 9 X 12 CM
- - DY-01 Diabetes Shoes
- - K-30 Kinesiology Band
- - N-18 Cold/Hot Pack Bandage For Shoulder
- - N-19 Cold/Hot Pack Bandage For Sacrum
- - N-20 Cold/Hot Pack Bandage For Knee
- - N-21 Cold/Hot Pack Bandage For Wrist
- - N -22 Cold/Hot Pack Bandage For Neck
- - N-55 Lead Weights 1.5 KG
- - N-56 Lead Weights 2.5 KG
- - N-56R Lead Weights 5KG
- - S-29 Silicone Hand Therapy Ball
- - W-2 Lycra Face Mask
- - Y-10 Incontinence Slip
- - Y-11 Incontinence Slip With Velcro
- - Y-12 Water-Proof Sheet For Patients
- - Y-13 Colostomy Apparatus
- - Y-14 Menstruation Slip
- - Y-15 Training Ball With Case For Paralytic Patients
- - Y-16 Training Ring For Paralytic Patients
- - Y-18 Penis Clamp
- - Y-22 Water - Proof Bib For Patients
- - Y-23 Training Ball For With Case For Paralytic Patients
- - Y-24 Sand Bag
- - Y-25 Weight With Velcro
- - Y-26 Reducing Overall
- - Y-29 Coset For Cellulite
- - Y-31 Execise Ball 3 KG
- - Y-32 Sleeping Band
- - Y-33 Weights With Iron Ball
- - Y-34 Surgical Eye Bandage
- - Y-35 Rubber Air Ring
- - Y-36 Rubber Hot Pack
- - Y-37 Sphygmomanometer Bandage
- - Y-40 Tracheostomy Saver
- Mattress Protectors
- - Y-42 Patient Examination Table Cover (70X190CM.)
- - Y-43 Water-Proof Bed Sheet (90X190)
- - Y-44 Water-Proof Pillow Cover (45X65 CM.)
- - Y-45 Water-Proof Bed Sheet (60X90 CM.)
- - Y-46 Water-Proof Stretcher Sheet (60X120CM)
- - Y-47 Water-Proof Bib
- - Y-48 Sponge Water-Proof Bed Sheet (40X65)
- - Y-52 Water-Proof Incontinence Slip
- - Y-53 Aleze Incontinence Slip With Velcro
- - Y-54 Double Water-Proof Bed Sheet(170X190 CM.)
- Cool Knitted Products
- - R-1E Knitted Knee Orthosis
- - R-2E Knitted Knee Orthosis with Patella Support
- - R-3E Knitted Knee Orthosis with Patella and Ligament Support
- - R-4E Knitted Knee Orthosis with Patella and Bandage Support
- - R-4EM Knitted Knee Orthosis with Bandage and Hinge
- - R-5E Knitted Ankle Orthosis with Molleol Support
- - R-5EB Knitted Ankle Support Economic
- - R-5EP Knitted Ankle Support with Bandage
- - R-6E Knitted Elbow Support with Silicone Support
- - R-6EB Knitted Elbow Support
- - R-7E Knitted Lumbosacral Corset
- - R-8E Knitted Wrist Support
- - R-9E Knitted Elastic Knee Support Phosphor Color
- - R-10E Knitted Elastic Ankle Support Phospor Color
- - R-11E Knitted Elastic Elbow Support Phospor Color
- - R-12E Knitted Elastic Wrist Support Phospor Color
- - R-12P Knitted Wrist Support Phospor with Velcro
- Orthopedic Diabetes and Walking Shoes
- - D-3C 304 Female Orthopedic Shoes 304 model
- - D-3C 310 Female Orthopedic Shoes 310 model
- - D-3C 502 Female Orthopedic Shoes 502 model
- - D-3C 506 Female Orthopedic Shoes 506 model
- - D-3C 507 Female Orthopedic Shoes 507 model
- - D-3C 651 Female Orthopedic Shoes 651 model
- - D-3C 1901 Female Orthopedic Shoes 1901 model
- - D-3D 202 Male Orthopedic Shoes 202 model
- - D-3D 211 Male Orthopedic Shoes 211 model
- - D-3D 212 Male Orthopedic Shoes 212 model
- - D-3D 202F Male Orthopedic Shoes 202F model
- - D-3D 203F Male Orthopedic Shoes 203F model
Knee and Knee Orthosis > N-3 Knee Immobilizer

Product Code : N-3
Stock Status : In Stock
A knee immobilizer made from 1cm-thick cloth with sponge which is covered by the lamination technique has hard aluminium supports, one at the right, one at the left, and three at the back side fixed into 3 pockets. Supports were given the knees anotomic shape and can be adjusted for a custom fit. Inner part is covered with a cotton terrycloth. Its tightness can be adjusted by 4 velcros, 2 below and 2 above the patella. It can be adjusted for different-width-legs with its wideness adjustment mechanization. 45-50-55-60 cm-height, 4 different models and dark-blue, grey, and skin colors are available.
Indication: It provides different level support and correction to the knee and used for the treatments in which the leg and knee should be immobilized.