

Belts > M-2 Elastic Lumbo Sacral Corset

M-2 Elastic Lumbo Sacral Corset

Product Code  : M-2

Stock Status : In Stock

The aero permeable corset which is made of sweat proof elastic fabric, has different models according to dorsal height, 26 cm and 32 cm. The straps crossing from the back and combined at the front maintain extra support to the lumbal area. The plastic balens, 2 of them placed at the front and 4 of them at the back, can be reinforced with 2 export steel arc balens to provide perfect stability on request. It can be used by combining with 1071 coded neopren warmer pad on request. The corset has 7 different sizes to fit all body sizes.

Indication: Used in acute and chronic lumbago, Lumbrosacral traumas, Lomber disc hernias, Lomber spondilose, Spondilolisthesis, After operation

How To Use
