- Airy Products
- Anatomic Pillows
- - P-1 Anatomic Neck Pillow Large
- - P-10 Visco Large Neck Pillow
- - P-11 Visco Travel Pillow
- - P-13 Visco Waist Pillow
- - P-14 Visco Reflu Pillow
- - P-2 Anatomic Neck Pillow Small
- - P-20 Visco Single Bed 90X200X7 CM.
- - P-21 Visco Double Bed 160X220X4 CM.
- - P-22 Visco Settle Pillow
- - P-3 Anatomic Neck Pillow For Child
- - P-4 Waist Pillow Large
- - P-5 Waist Pillow Small
- - P-6 Settle Pillow
- - P-7 Travel Pillow
- - P-8 Waist Pillow With Weight
- - P-9 Visco Small Neck Pillow
- - P-25 Visco Position pillow
- - P-6A Wheelchair Cushion
- Ankle Orthotics and Bandages
- - B-10 Warmer Elastik Ankle Support
- - N-16 Athlete Ankle Support
- - N-16B Black Spotive Ankle Support
- - N-53T Achilles Boot
- - N-53W Ankle Support With Adjustable Angle (Room Walker)
- - O-10 Ankle Cross Bandage
- - R-5 Knitted Ankle Support With Silicone
- - V-5B Ankle Support With Shoelace
- - V-5C Elastic Ankle Support With Lateral Increase
- - V-5D Elastic Ankle Support With Lateral Increase + 8 Bandage
- - DD 005 Air Paddedd Ankle Support
- - V-5E Elbow Orthosis
- Foot Health Products
- - D-10 Perenaus Paralysis Orthosis
- - D-4A Arc Support Clinging
- - D-5 Wedge Heel
- - D-6 Inside - Outside Support Clinging
- - D-7 Torque-Heel
- - D-8 Polyethilen Ankle Foot Orthesis (PAFO)
- - D-8B Reflex AFO
- - D-8C Polyethilen Moldet With Joint
- - D-8D Vitratene Mold Over Knee - Pkafo
- - D-8E Ankle Dorsiflexion Orthosis
- - D-9 Molded Leg Support
- - F-1 Aluminum Sole
- - F-2A Plastic Sole Covered With Leather
- - F-3 Aluminum Sole With Epin
- - F-4 Plexi Sole
- - F-5 Cork Sole
- - F-5A Varus Sole
- - F-6 Cork Sole With Plastazot Covered
- - F-7 Steel Sole
- - G-2 Hallux Walgus Aparatus
- - G-2A Hallux Walgus Reel
- - G-2B Bunion Cushion
- - G-2C Hallux Walgus Light Aparatus
- - G-2D Hallux Walgus Elastic Aparatus
- - G-3 Metatarsal Pad
- - G-3A Metatarsal Ped For Finger
- - G-4 Heel For Plaster Cast
- - G-5 Heel For Plaster Cast Couple
- - I-1 Epin Calcanei Support
- - I-1A Epin Calcanei Support Economic
- - I-1B Heel Support
- - I-1C Polyurethane Epin Calcanei Support
- - N-12 Posey Footguard (90º Bed Orthosis)
- - N-13 Slipper For Plaster Bandage
- - N-14 Boot For Plaster Bandage
- - O-29 Stockings For Plaster Bandages
- - O-30 Stockings For Plaster Bandages
- - O-31 Stockings For Plaster Bandages
- - O-32 Stockings For Plaster Bandages
- -
- Lanyards - Pillows
- - C-1 Neck Support
- - C-10 Neck Support Model Nelson
- - C-10B Neck Support Model Nelson With Thermojel
- - C-10C Neck Support Nelson Model Soft
- - C-10E Economic Neck Support Model Nelson
- - C-10F Emergency Neck Support
- - C-10G Neck Support Nelson Model Eva
- - C-10R Neck Support Plastizote Rigid Model
- - C-11 Neck Support Model Philadelphia
- - C-11C Neck Sup. Mod. Pkiladelpia, Tracheotomy Mr Harmonious
- - C-11E Economic Neck Support Model Philadelphia
- - C-12 Cervical Color Somi Orthosis
- - C-13 Neck Support Model Nelson With Chin Holder
- - C-14 Neck Support Model Nelson With Support
- - C-15 Extension Neck Support, Adjustable
- - C-16 Flexion Neck Support, Adjudtable
- - C-17 Traction Neck Support, Adjustable
- - C-18 Wireframe Neck Support
- - C-3 Neck Support With Chin Holder
- - C-3A Economic Neck Support With Chin Holder
- - C-4 Neck Support For Children
- - C-4A Neck Support With Chin Holder For Children
- - C-5 Padded Neck Support
- - C-5A Padded Neck Support (German Style)
- - C-6 Cervical Spin Traction Aparatus
- - C-7 Extra Head Holder For Cervical Spine Traction Aparatus
- - C-8 Cervical Roll Pillow
- - T-1 Thorax Traction Belt
- - T-2 Pelvic Traction Belt One-Way
- - T-4 Traction Kit For Children
- - T-5 Traction Kit For Adults
- - C-11B Philadelphia Color MR Uyumlu
- - C-9 Cervical U Pillow
- - C-5E Cervical Sponge Economic
- - C-5B Cervical Sponge with Cover
- Walking Stick and Supplies
- - G-7A Tripod Canadian Balanced Crook
- - G-8 Quadripod Balanced Crook
- - H-1 Wooden Crutch
- - H-11 Mobile Closet
- - H-12 Mobile Closet With Wheel
- - H-13 Mobile Closet Foldable
- - H-14 Plastic Mobile Closet
- - H-15 Plastic Mobile Closet With Lid
- - H-2 Aaluminium Crutch
- - H-2A Aluminium Crutch Economic
- - H-2B Neopren Cover For Crutch
- - H-2C Aluminium Crutch With Clips
- - H-4 Rubber Crutch Tire
- - H-4A PVC Crutch Tire
- - H-5 Crook, Long
- - H-6 Canadian Upper Arm Crutch
- - H-6A Canadian Upper Arm Crutch Economic
- - H-6B Neopren Cover For Canadian
- - H-7 Walker, Immobile
- - H-8 Walker, Mobile
- - H-9A Walker, Spun
- - HA-8 Aluminium Walker, Mobile
- - H-8B Adjustable Walker With Forearm Support
- - H-18 Bed Back Support
- Knee and Knee Orthosis
- - B-5 Warmer Elastic Knee-Orthesis
- - B-7 Warmer ElasticThigh Orthosis
- - N-3 Knee Immobilizer
- - N-3A Knee Immobilizer Three Pieces
- - N-58 Knee Immobilizer For Arthroscopy
- - N-58A Knee - Orthosis With Adjustable Angle Long
- - N-6 Hip Immobilizer
- - N-6B Hip Immobilizer With Balens
- - N-6C Hip Immobilizer With Adjustable Angle
- - R-1 Knitting Knee Orthosis With Lateral Splint AND SILICONE Support
- - R-2 Knitting Knee Orthosis With Lateral Splint, Silicone Support And Velcro Band
- - R-3 Thick Knitted Knee Orthosis With Baleen And Silicone
- - R-4 Thick Knitted Knee Orthosis With Baleen Silicone And Velcro
- - V-4A Knee Orthosis Anatomic
- - X-22 Knee-Orthosis Blue-White
- - X-23 Knee Orthosis With Splint And Open Patella, Blue-White
- - X-24 Knee Orthosis With Gap At Knee Joint Level, Blue-White
- - X-25 Knee Orthosis With Open Patella
- - X-45 Knee Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - N-58C 4 POINT SUPPORTED Knee Orthosis for the stabilization of knee joint
- Wrist Orthosis and Splint
- - B-11 Warmer Elastic Wrist Support
- - M-7 Elastic Wrist Orthosis
- - N-11 Wrist/Thumb Support
- - O-1 Elastic Bandage 6 CM
- - O-11 Wrist Orthosis
- - O-11B Wrist Thumb Orthosis
- - O-11C Wrist Orthosis With Bandage
- - O-11R Rijid Wrist Orthosis
- - O-12 Forearm Orthosis
- - O-13 Dynamic Apparatus
- - O-14 Static Apparatus
- - O-2 Elastic Bandage 8 CM
- - O-21 Aluminium Apparatus For Finger
- - O-22 Aluminium Apparatus For Finger T
- - O-23 Aluminium Apparatus For Finger With Wrist Support
- - O-24 Finger Orthosis
- - O-3 Elastic Bandage 10 CM
- - O-4 Elastic Bandage 12 CM
- - O-41 Apparatus For Finger
- - O-5 Elastic Bandage 15 CM
- - O-50 Dynamic Apparatus For Finger
- - O-5A 20 CM Elastic Bandage
- - O-6 Wrist Support
- - X-5 Thumb Othosis
- - O-11A Wrist Orthosis
- Aesthetics (beauty) Corsets
- General Use
- Walking stick and Appliances
- - G-7 Tripod Balanced Crook
- - G-8 Quadripod Balanced Crook
- - H-1 Wooden Crutch
- - H-10 Walker WIith Wheel
- - H-11 Mobile Closet
- - H-12 Mobile Closet With Wheel
- - H-14 Plastic Mobile Closet
- - H-15 Plastic Mobile Closet With Lid
- - H-2 Aluminium Crutch
- - H-2B Neopren Cover For Crutch
- - H-6 Canadian Upper Arm Crutch
- - H-6B Neopren Cover For Canadian
- - H-7 Walker, Immobile
- - H-8 Walker, Mobile
- - G-7A Tripod Canadian Balanced Crook
- First Aid Care Products
- - ALP 01 Neck Support Set (4 Pieces)
- - ALP 01 Neck Support Set (4 Pieces)
- - ALP 02 Ced Extrication Device
- - ALP-03 Long Wooden Spine Boards
- - ALP 04 Short Wooden Spine Boards
- - ALP-05 Spine Boards With Rail
- - ALP 06 Oil - Cloth Transport Shift
- - ALP-07 Air Splint Set (6 Pieces)
- - ALP 08 Autopsy Apron
- - EX-01 Corpse Sack
- - XX 580 Patient Transport Splint Set
- Chemotherapy Products
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - KEM-01 Chemotherapy Wig
- - S-9 Silibone Breast Forms
- Neoprene Products
- - N-15 Face Mask Fabric
- - N-31 Knee Support
- - N-33 Knee Orthosis With Patella Support
- - N-34 Knee Orthosis With Patella And Ligament Support
- - N-35 Knee Orthosis With Hinge
- - N-35A Knee Orthosis With Hinge Open Frontside
- - N-37 Knee - Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - N-38 Thigh Orthosis
- - N-39 Fibula Orthosis
- - N-40 Wrist Support
- - N-41 Metacarpus Wrist Support
- - N-42 Thumb Orthosis
- - N-43A Wrist Orthosis Anatomic
- - N-43B Wrist Orthosis With Bandage
- - N-43C Wrist Orthosis Model Germany
- - N-43D Forearm Orthosis
- - N-44 Wrist/Thumb Orthosis
- - N-44A Wrist/Thumb Orthosis Long
- - N-45 Epycondilit Bandage
- - N-47 Tennis Elbow Support
- - N-48 Elbow Support In Case Of Epycındylitis
- - N-48A Elbow Support With Hinge
- - N-49 Ankle Cross Bandage
- - N-50 Ankle Support
- - N-51 Ankle Support With Velcro
- - N-52 Ankle Metatarsus Support
- - N-53 Ankle Support With Silicon
- - N-53A Ankle Stabilizer With Plastic Splints
- - N-54 Shoulder Bandage
- - N-57 Stable Knee Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - N-59 Swimming Mask
- - N-60 Eye Mask (Sleeping Mask)
- - N-61 Neoprene Neck Support
- - N-62 Face Mask
- - N-63 Patellar Tendon Brace
- - N-64 Thermal Pants
- - N-64A Thermal Vest
- - N-65 Police Mask
- - N-66 Neopren Balıkçı Ceketi
- - N-67 Neopren Balıkadam Elbisesi
- - N-68 Surgical Ear Bandage
- - Silicone Products
- Deputy Health Supplies
- - K-30 Kinesiology Band
- - N-23 Alperen Lumbo Sacral Orthosis (LSO)
- - N-26 Sternum Corset
- - N-31 Knee Support
- - N-34 Knee Orthosis With Patella And Ligament Support
- - N-35 Knee Orthosis With Hinge
- - N-55 Lead Weights 1.5 KG
- - N-56 Lead Weights 2.5 KG
- - N-56R Lead Weights 5KG
- - Y-10 Incontinence Slip
- - Y-11 Incontinence Slip With Velcro
- - Y-12 Water - Proof Sheet For Patients
- - Y-13 Colostomy Apparatus
- - Y-15 Training Ball With Case For Paralytic Patients
- - Y-16 Training Ring For Paraytic Patients
- - Y-18 Penis Clamp
- - Y-22 Water - Proof Bib For Patients
- - Y-23 Training Ball For With Case For Paralytic Patients
- - Y-25 Weights With Velcro
- - Y-29 Corset For Cellulite
- - Y-31 Execise Ball 3 KG
- - Y-32 Sleeping Band
- - Y-33 Weigths With Iron Ball
- - Y-34 Surgical Eye Bandage
- - Y-35 Rubber Air Ring
- - Y-36 Rubber Hot Pack
- - Y-37 Sphygmomanometer Bandage
- - Y-60 Sitz Bath
- - Mattress Protectors
- - Walking Devices
- Walking stick and Appliances
- First Aid Care Products
- - ALP 02 Ced Extrication Device
- - ALP-03 Long Wooden Spine Boards
- - ALP 04 Short Wooden Spine Boards
- - ALP-05 Spine Boards With Rail
- - ALP 08 Autopsy Apron
- - EX-01 Corpse Sack
- - O-47B Ready Aluminium Splint Small
- - XX 580 Patient Transport Splint Set
- - Y-51 Triangular Bandage
- - O-47 Ready Aluminium Splint Big
- - ALP-07 Air Splint Set (6 Pieces)
- Splints and Collars Hip Dislocation
- Fixing Arm Orthotics And Bandages
- - V-5E Elbow Orthosis
- - B-6 Warmer Elastic Elbow Orthosis
- - K-12 Airy Arm Sling
- - K-13 Airy Welpo Arm Sling
- - N-1 Shoulder Orthosis
- - N-48B Elbow Rom Orthosis (Elbow Contracture Orthosis)
- - O-16 / O-16W Arm Sling
- - O-16A Arm Sling Economic
- - O-16W Arm Sling
- - O-17 Arm Sling With Chest Belt
- - O-17A Arm Sling With Chest Belt Economic
- - O-25 Clavicle Bandage
- - O-25W Clavicle Bandage With Welcro
- - O-26 Clavicle Bandage Economic
- - O-28 Shoulder Support Bandage
- - O-33 Sponge Arm Sling
- - O-34 Sponge Arm Sling With Chest Belt
- - O-35 Shoulder Bandage With Welcro
- - O-36 Arm Sling With Sponge
- - O-37 Clavicle Bandage (Soft)
- - O-38 Practicle Clavicle Bandage
- - O-39 Practical Arm Sling
- - O-40 Akromia Clavicle Bandage
- - O-42 Arm Sling With Pillow 30°
- - O-43 Arm Sling With Pillow 45° - 60°
- - O-44 Arm Sling Air Permeable
- - O-47 Ready Aluminium Splint Big
- - O-49 Aluminium Frame Apparatus For Rib Fracture
- - O-51 Denim Arm Sling
- - O-53 Arm Elrvation Orthosis
- - O-7 Tennis Elbow Support
- - R-6 Knitted Elbow Support With Silicone
- - W-3 Humerus Apparatus
- - W-3A Polietilen Humerus Ateli
- - X-32 Arm Sling Blue-White
- - X-32A BW. Economic Arm Sling
- - X-33 Arm Sling With Chest Belt Blue-White
- - X-33A BW. Economic Arm Sling With Chest Belt Blue-White
- Belts
- - A-1 Lumbo Sacral Corset
- - A-10 Hygienic Scandal Corset
- - A-12 Back Corset 2 Pieces
- - A-12A Posturex Back Corset
- - A-13 Batin Corset
- - A-1A Lumbostat Corset
- - A-1B Universal Lumbo Sacral Corset With Pad
- - A-1C Universal Lumbo Sacral Korse Without Pad
- - A-1G Lumbo Sacral Corset With Pad
- - A-1L Lumbo Sacral Corset With Adjustable Velcro
- - A-1W Lumbo Sacral Corset With Velcro
- - A-2 Dorso Lumbar Corset
- - A-2W Dorso Lumbar Corset With Velcro
- - A-3 Stomach And Organ Prolapse Corset
- - A-4 Abdomen Corset Surgical
- - A-4A Abdomen Corset Scandal
- - A-4B Abdomen Corset With Underpants
- - A-4C Abdomen Corset With Loins
- - A-5 Kidney And Stomach Prolapse Corset
- - A-6 Pregnancy Corset End Of Birth
- - A-7 Pregnancy Corset Post Birth
- - A-8 Hygienic Corset With Loins
- - A-9 Hygienic Corset With Underpants
- - B-1 Woolen Elastic Corset
- - B-12 Warmer Belt With Velcro
- - B-2 Warmer Elastic Curved Belt 32 CM.
- - B-3 Warmer Elastic Corset With Loins
- - B-4 Warmer Elastic Cot Fracture Corset
- - B-8 Warmer Elastic Shoulder Cover And Chest Cover
- - D-2A Suspensory
- - E-2 Underpants Type Hernia Corset
- - E-3 Hernia Corset With Pack
- - E-4 Groin Hernia Corset Left Or Right
- - E-5 Groin Hernia Corset Both Sides
- - E-7 Umbilical Wrap With Velcro For Child
- - E-7A Groin Hernia Bandage For Child
- - E-8 Umbilical Wrap With Velcro For Adult
- - M-1 Elastic Dorso Lumbar Corset
- - MB-10 Burden Corset ( Work Corset)
- - M-1A Elastic Lumbosacral Corset With Pull Band
- - M-2 Elastic Lumbo Sacral Corset
- - M-2A Elastic Lumbo Sacral Corset With Pull Band
- - M-3 Elastic Lumbostat Corset
- - M-4 Elastic Abdominal Corset
- - M-5 Elastic Chest Corset
- - M-6 Elastic Posturex
- - MB-4 Elastic Abdominal Corset White
- - N-10 Sacrum Belt
- - N-17 Stoma Corset
- - N-2 Lumbosacral Corset With Pull Band
- - N-23 Alperen Lumbo Sacral Orthosis (LSO)
- - N-26 Sternum Corset
- - N-26A Urostomy Corset
- - N-27 Abdominal Wrap (With Support)
- - N-28 Jewet Hyperextantion Corset
- - N-28A Taylor Corset
- - N-28B Vitraten Jacket (TLSO)
- - N-4 Lumbosacral Orthosis (LSO)
- - N-4A Lumbosacral Orthosis Economic
- - N-5 Thoracalumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO)
- - N-5A Thoracal Lumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO LONG)
- - N-5B Torakolumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO LUX)
- - N-7 Pregnancy Corset Post Birth
- - N-8 Pregnancy Belt Waist Sopported
- - N-9 Chest Corset For Men
- - N-9A Chest Corset For Women
- - W-1 Liposuction Corset
- - X-17 BW. Adomen Corset (BELT)
- Neoprene Products
- - N-15 Face Mask Fabric
- - N-29 Universal Corset
- - N-30 Universal Corset With Pad
- - N-30A Neopren Universal Corset German Model
- - N-31 Knee Support
- - N-31W Knee Support With Velcro
- - N-32 Knee Orthosis With Open Patella
- - N-32W Knee Orthosis With Open Patella With Welcro
- - N-33 Knee Orthosis With Patella Support
- - N-33W Knee Orthosis With Patella Support And Velcros
- - N-34 Knee Orthosis With Patella And Ligament Support
- - N-34W Knee Orthosis With Patella - Ligament Support And Velcros
- - N-35 Knee Orthosis With Hinge
- - N-35A Knee Orthosis With Hinge Open Frontside
- - N-36 Knee Orthosis With Hinge And Crossbandage
- - N-38 Thigh Orthosis
- - N-39 Fibula Orthosis
- - N-40 Wrist Support
- - N-41 Metacarpus Wrist Support
- - N-42 Thumb Orthosis
- - N-43A Wrist Orthosis Anatomic
- - N-43B Wrist Orthosis With Bandage
- - N-43C Wrist Orthosis Model Germany
- - N-43D Forearm Orthosis
- - N-44 Wrist/Thumb Orthosis
- - N-44A Wrist/Thumb Orthosis Long
- - N-45 Epycondilit Bandage
- - N-46 Elbow Support
- - N-47 Tennis Elbow Support
- - N-48 Elbow Support In Case Of Epycondylitis
- - N-48A Elbow Support With Hinge
- - N-49 Ankle Cross Bandage
- - N-50 Ankle Support
- - N-51 Ankle Support With Velcro
- - N-51A Ankle Support With Velcro Cross Bandage
- - N-52 Ankle Metatarsus Support
- - N-52A Ankle Metatarsus Support With Cross Bandage
- - N-53 Ankle Support With Silicon
- - N-53A Ankle Stabilizer With Plastic Splints
- - N-53B Neoprene Ankle Support With Shoelace
- - N-54 Shoulder Bandage
- - N-57 Stable Knee Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - N-59 Swimming Mask
- - N-60 Eye Mask (Sleeping Mask)
- - N-61 Neoprene Neck Support
- - N-62 Face Mask
- - N-63 Patellar Tendon Brace
- - N-63A Patellar Knee Orthosis
- - N-64A Thermal Vest
- - N-65 Police Mask
- - N-67 Neopren Balıkadam Elbisesi
- - N-68 Surgical Ear Bandage
- - N-70 Neoprene Arm Sling
- Orsa Kids
- - KA-1C Kids Universal Lumbo Sacral Corset
- - KC-10 Kids Neck Support Model Nelson
- - KC-11 Kids Neck Support Model Philadelphia
- - KC-11A Kids Neck Support Model Philadelphia Tracheotomy
- - KC-5 Kids Padded Neck Support
- - KD-8 Kids Polyethilen Ankle Foot Orthesis (PAFO)
- - KF-6 Kids Cork Sole With Plastazot Covered
- - KN-13 Kids Slipper For Plaster Bandage
- - KN-14 Kids Boot For Plaster Bandage
- - KN-3 Kids Knee Immobilizer
- - KN-34 Kids Knee Orthosis With Patella And Ligament Support
- - KO-11 Kids Wrist Orthosis
- - KO-16 Kids Arm Sling
- - KO-35 Kids Shoulder Bandage With Welcro
- Orthopedic Boots
- Silicon Foot Health Supplies
- - S-1 Silicone Insole
- - S-2 Silicone Insole 1/1
- - S-21 Silicone Toe Sepatator
- - S-22 Silicone Metetarsal Pad
- - S-23 Silicone Callus Band (Big)
- - S-27 Silicone Metatars Pad ( Foot Clinging)
- - S-28 Silicone Metetars Pad (Oval Clinging)
- - S-3 Silicone Insole With Blue Area
- - S-30 Silikon Metetars Pedi Delikli
- - S-31 Silicone Toe Sleeve With Vents (Digital Ring)
- - S-32 Silicone Bunion Pad
- - S-33 Silicone Finger Support
- - S-34 Silicone Sticky Arc Support
- - S-35 Sticky Silicone Metetars Supports
- - S-36 Sticky Silicone Inside - Outside Supports
- - S-37 Sticky Silicone Heel Support
- - S-38 Silicone Insole Covered By Fabric
- - S-39 Silicone Insole With Hole
- - S-3A Economic Silicone Insole
- - S-4 Silicone Epin Calcanien Support
- - S-5 Silicone Heel Cup With Blue Area
- - S-5A Economic Silicone Heel Cup
- - S-8 Silicone Hallux Walgus Reel
- - S-8A Silicone Bunion Protector
- Sports Products (One Size)
- - N-29S Abdominal Corset
- - N-30S Lumbo Sacral Corset
- - N-31S Neoprene Knee Support
- - N-33S Knee Orthosis With Patella Support
- - N-34S Knee Orthosis With Flexible Baleen
- - N-35S Knee Orthosis With Hinge
- - N-38S Thigh Orthosis
- - N-39S Fibula Orthosis
- - N-40S Wrist Support
- - N-41S Metacarpud Wrist Support
- - N-42S Thumb Orthosis
- - N-43 Wrist Orthosis
- - N-43S Wrist Orthosis
- - N-44S Wrist/Thumb Orthosis
- - N-45S Epicondylit Bandage
- - N-46S Elbow Support
- - N-48S Elbow Support In Case Of Epycondylitis
- - N-50S Ankle Support
- - N-54 Shoulder Bandage
- - N-54S Shoulder Bandage
- - N-63M Magnetik Patellar Tendon Brace
- - N-63S Patellar Tendon Brace
- - N-44ST Wrist/Thumb Orthosis Long
- Medical Stockings
- - V-10 Knee-Length (Unisex) Med. Sup.
- - V-11 Pantyhose Med. Sup. Maternity
- - V-12 Antiemboly Long Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-12A Antiemboly Stocking With Waist Band
- - V-13 280 Den Knee-Length Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-14 280 Den Thigh Medical Sup. Stocking
- - V-15 280 Den Pantyhose Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-16 280 Den Thigh Medical Sup. Stocking With Silicone
- - V-17 Class 3 Pantyhose Medical Sup. Stocking
- - V-18 Class 3 Thigh Medical Sup. Stocking
- - V-19 Class 3 Length Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-20 280 Den Front Open Pantyhose Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-21 Kol Varis Çorabı
- - V-6 Pantyhose Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-7 Thigh Medical Sup. Stocking
- - V-7A Thigh Medical Sup. Stocking With Silicone
- - V-8 Knee-Length Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-9 Light Pantyhose Med. Sup. Stocking
- - V-12B Antiemboly Below Knee Stocking
- Body Support Products
- - Foot
- Ankle
- - B-10 Warmer Elastik Ankle Support
- - DD 005 Air Padded Ankle Support
- - N-16 Athlete Ankle Support
- - N-49 Ankle Cross Bandage
- - N-50 Ankle Support
- - N-51 Ankle Support With Velcro
- - N-51A Ankle Support With Velcro Cross Bandage
- - N-53 Ankle Support With Silicon
- - N-53A Ankle Stabilizer With Plastic Splints
- - N-56 Lead Weights 2.5 KG
- - O-10 Ankle Cross Bandage
- - V-5A Elastik Ankle Support
- - V-5B Ankle Support With Shoelace
- - V-5C Elastic Ankle Support With Lateral Increase
- - Toe
- - Leg
- - Calf
- - Head
- - Waist
- Neck
- - ALP 01 Neck Support Set (4 Pieces)
- - B-15 Neck Support With Thermojel
- - C-1 Neck Support
- - C-10 Neck Support Model Nelson
- - C-10E Economic Neck Support Model Nelson
- - C-11 Neck Support Model Philadelphia
- - C-11A Neck Support Model Philadelphia Tracheotomy
- - C-11B Neck Support Model Philadelphia MR Harmonious
- - C-11C Neck Sup. Mod. Philadelphia, Tracheotomy MR Harmonious
- - C-12 Cervical Color Somi Orthosis
- - C-13 Neck Support Model Nelson With Chin Holder
- - C-15 Extension Neck Support, Adjustable
- - C-16 Flexion Neck Support, Adjustable
- - C-17 Traction Neck Support, Adjustable
- - C-18 Wireframe Neck Support
- - C-3 Neck Support With Chin Holder
- - C-4 Neck Support For Children
- - C-4A Neck Support With Chin Holder For Children
- - C-5 Padded Neck Support
- - C-5A Padded Neck Support (German Style)
- - C-8 Cervical Roll Pillow
- - C-9 Cervical U Pillow
- - N-61 Neoprene Neck Support
- - P-1 Anatomic Neck Pillow Large
- - P-2 Anatomic Neck Pillow Small
- - P-3 Anatomic Neck Pillow For Child
- - P-7 Travel Pillow
- - Elbow
- Knee
- - B-14 Knee Orthosis With Thermojel
- - B-5 Warmer Elastic Knee - Orthesis
- - N-3 Knee Immobilizer
- - N-31 Knee Support
- - N-33 Knee Orthosis With Patella Support
- - N-34 Knee Orthosis With Patella And Ligament Support
- - N-35 Knee Orthosis With Hinge
- - N-35A Knee Orthosis With Hinge Open Frontside
- - N-37 Knee - Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - N-3A Knee Immobilizer Three Pieces
- - N-57 Stable Knee Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - N-58 Knee Immobilizer For Arthroscopy
- - N-58A Knee - Orthosis With Adjustable Angle Long
- - N-63 Patellar Tendon Brace
- - N-63A Patellar Knee Orthosis
- - V-4A Knee Orthosis Anatomic
- - X-22 Knee - Orthosis Blue - White
- - X-23 Knee Orthosis With Splint And Open Patella, Blue - White
- - X-24 Knee Orthosis With Gap At Knee Joint Level, Blue - White
- - X-25 Knee Orthosis With Open Patella
- - X-45 Knee Orthosis With Adjustable Angle
- - Hand
- - Wrist
- - Hand finger
- - Chest
- - Hip
- Arm
- - B-6 Warmer Elastic Elbow Orthosis
- - N-1 Shoulder Orthosis
- - O-16 / O-16W Arm Sling
- - O-16A Arm Sling Economic
- - O-17 Arm Sling With Chest Belt
- - O-17A Arm Sling With Chest Belt Economic
- - O-28 Shoulder Support Bandage
- - O-33 Sponge Arm Sling
- - O-34 Sponge Arm Sling With Chest Belt
- - O-35 Shoulder Bandage With Welcro
- - O-36 Arm Sling With Sponge
- - O-40 Akromia Clavicle Bandage
- - O-42 Arm Sling With Pillow 30°
- - O-7 Tennis Elbow Support
- - V-5E Elbow Orthosis
- - W-3 Humerus Apparatus
- - X-32 Arm Sling Blue-White
- - X-33 Arm Sling With Chest Belt Blue-White
- - Shoulder
- - Forearm
- - Chard
- Back
- - A-12 Back Corset 2 Pieces
- - A-12A Posturex Back Corset
- - ALP-03 Long Wooden Spine Boards
- - ALP 04 Short Wooden Spine Boards
- - ALP-05 Spine Boards With Rail
- - M-6 Elastic Posturex
- - N-24 Alperen-TLSO (Thoracal Lumbosacral Orthosis)
- - N-28 Jewet Hyperextantion Corset
- - O-25 Clavicle Bandage
- - O-26 Clavicle Bandage Economic
- - O-37 Clavicle Bandage (Soft)
- - Thigh
- - Face
- Deputy Health ( rehabilitation ) Material for
- - B-13 Corset With Thermojel
- - B-14 Knee Orthosis With Thermojel
- - B-15 Neck Support With Thermojel
- - B-16 Thermojel 25 X 12 CM
- - B-17 Thermojel 9 X 12 CM
- - DY-01 Diabetes Shoes
- - K-30 Kinesiology Band
- - N-18 Cold/Hot Pack Bandage For Shoulder
- - N-19 Cold/Hot Pack Bandage For Sacrum
- - N-20 Cold/Hot Pack Bandage For Knee
- - N-21 Cold/Hot Pack Bandage For Wrist
- - N -22 Cold/Hot Pack Bandage For Neck
- - N-55 Lead Weights 1.5 KG
- - N-56 Lead Weights 2.5 KG
- - N-56R Lead Weights 5KG
- - S-29 Silicone Hand Therapy Ball
- - W-2 Lycra Face Mask
- - Y-10 Incontinence Slip
- - Y-11 Incontinence Slip With Velcro
- - Y-12 Water-Proof Sheet For Patients
- - Y-13 Colostomy Apparatus
- - Y-14 Menstruation Slip
- - Y-15 Training Ball With Case For Paralytic Patients
- - Y-16 Training Ring For Paralytic Patients
- - Y-18 Penis Clamp
- - Y-22 Water - Proof Bib For Patients
- - Y-23 Training Ball For With Case For Paralytic Patients
- - Y-24 Sand Bag
- - Y-25 Weight With Velcro
- - Y-26 Reducing Overall
- - Y-29 Coset For Cellulite
- - Y-31 Execise Ball 3 KG
- - Y-32 Sleeping Band
- - Y-33 Weights With Iron Ball
- - Y-34 Surgical Eye Bandage
- - Y-35 Rubber Air Ring
- - Y-36 Rubber Hot Pack
- - Y-37 Sphygmomanometer Bandage
- - Y-40 Tracheostomy Saver
- Mattress Protectors
- - Y-42 Patient Examination Table Cover (70X190CM.)
- - Y-43 Water-Proof Bed Sheet (90X190)
- - Y-44 Water-Proof Pillow Cover (45X65 CM.)
- - Y-45 Water-Proof Bed Sheet (60X90 CM.)
- - Y-46 Water-Proof Stretcher Sheet (60X120CM)
- - Y-47 Water-Proof Bib
- - Y-48 Sponge Water-Proof Bed Sheet (40X65)
- - Y-52 Water-Proof Incontinence Slip
- - Y-53 Aleze Incontinence Slip With Velcro
- - Y-54 Double Water-Proof Bed Sheet(170X190 CM.)
- Cool Knitted Products
- - R-1E Knitted Knee Orthosis
- - R-2E Knitted Knee Orthosis with Patella Support
- - R-3E Knitted Knee Orthosis with Patella and Ligament Support
- - R-4E Knitted Knee Orthosis with Patella and Bandage Support
- - R-4EM Knitted Knee Orthosis with Bandage and Hinge
- - R-5E Knitted Ankle Orthosis with Molleol Support
- - R-5EB Knitted Ankle Support Economic
- - R-5EP Knitted Ankle Support with Bandage
- - R-6E Knitted Elbow Support with Silicone Support
- - R-6EB Knitted Elbow Support
- - R-7E Knitted Lumbosacral Corset
- - R-8E Knitted Wrist Support
- - R-9E Knitted Elastic Knee Support Phosphor Color
- - R-10E Knitted Elastic Ankle Support Phospor Color
- - R-11E Knitted Elastic Elbow Support Phospor Color
- - R-12E Knitted Elastic Wrist Support Phospor Color
- - R-12P Knitted Wrist Support Phospor with Velcro
- Orthopedic Diabetes and Walking Shoes
- - D-3C 304 Female Orthopedic Shoes 304 model
- - D-3C 310 Female Orthopedic Shoes 310 model
- - D-3C 502 Female Orthopedic Shoes 502 model
- - D-3C 506 Female Orthopedic Shoes 506 model
- - D-3C 507 Female Orthopedic Shoes 507 model
- - D-3C 651 Female Orthopedic Shoes 651 model
- - D-3C 1901 Female Orthopedic Shoes 1901 model
- - D-3D 202 Male Orthopedic Shoes 202 model
- - D-3D 211 Male Orthopedic Shoes 211 model
- - D-3D 212 Male Orthopedic Shoes 212 model
- - D-3D 202F Male Orthopedic Shoes 202F model
- - D-3D 203F Male Orthopedic Shoes 203F model
General Use > Y-12 Water - Proof Sheet For Patients

Product Code : Y-12
Stock Status : In Stock
The sheet is made by lining the 0.5 cm thick sponge with water-proof special cloth. Its all edges are hemmed by a crimped rubber. 120cm x 90cm. It is used for bed protection of urine and blood.